Divisorial gonality of a graph

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The divisorial gonality [math]\rm{gon}(G)[/math] of a graph [math]G[/math] is the smallest degree of a divisor of positive rank in the sense of Baker-Norine.


  • It is easy to see that [math]\rm{gon}(G) = 1[/math] if and only if [math]G[/math] is a tree. For more interesting special cases, see [1].
  • In [2], Gijswijt proved that computing divisorial gonality is NP-hard (even in the case of simple undirected graphs).
  • In [3], de Bruyn and Gijswijt established a nice lower bound on the gonality of a graph: [math] \rm{gon}(G) \ge \rm{tw}(G) [/math], where [math]\rm{tw}(G) [/math] denotes the treewidth of graph [math]G[/math].
  • It would be interesting to establish an upper bound on the divisorial gonality of a graph.
  • It is known that the rank of a graph divisor stays the same if each edge is subdivided by [math]k[/math] new points and 0 is placed on the new points[4]. Similarly, it was conjectured by Baker that the gonality of a graph stays the same if each edge is subdivided by [math]k[/math] new points[5]. This turned out to be false[6]. However, it is still not completely understood how gonality behaves with respect to edge subdivisions.


  1. Reduced divisors and gonality in finite graphs, Bachelor's Thesis (2012) Link
  2. , Computing divisorial gonality is hard, (2015) ArXiv Link
  3. , Treewidth is a lower bound on graph gonality, (2014) ArXiv Link
  4. Hladky, Král, Norine, Rank of divisors on tropical curves, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Volume 120, Issue 7, September 2013, Pages 1521-1538 Link
  5. Matthew Baker. Specialization of linear systems from curves to graphs. Algebra & NumberTheory, 2(6):613–653, 2008.
  6. Josse van Dobben de Bruyn, Harry Smit, Marieke van der Wegen, Discrete and metric divisorial gonality can be different (2021) ArXiv Link