Well-balanced orientations of hypergraphs

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When can we characterize hypergraphs that have an orientation satisfying a prescribed symmetric local edge-connectivity requirement? Special case: can we characterize hypergraphs that have an orientation which is k-edge-connected within a specified subset of nodes?

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Hörsch and Szigeti [1] showed that deciding the existence of an orientation satisfying local edge-connectivity requirements is NP-complete in the following two cases (here orientation means choosing a head node from each hyperedge):

  • Given a node set S, find an orientation where any two vertices in S are mutually reachable from each other
  • Given a node r and a node set S, find an orientation where every node of S is reachable from r.

For the second problem, they also give a polynomial-time algorithm when the size of S is constant. However, the first problem remains open in the case of constant-sized S.


Frank, Király and Király[2] proved an extension of Nash-Williams' weak orientation theorem by characterizing hypergraphs which have a k-edge-connected orientation. In this result "orienting a hypergraph" means picking a head node from each hyperedge.

For the same definition of hypergraph orientation, Király and Lau[3] proved that if a hypergraph H is 2k-edge-connected within a subset T of nodes, then for any [math]r \in T[/math] it has an orientation where from any node of T there are k edge-disjoint paths to r.

To extend the strong orientation theorem of Nash-Williams[4] to hypergraphs, one may need a different definition of hypergraph orientation. This may be related to the open problem on Highly element-connected orientation of graphs.


  1. F. Hörsch, Z. Szigeti, Steiner connectivity problems in hypergraphs, arXiv:2211.02525 (2022), DOI link
  2. A. Frank, T. Király, Z. Király, On the orientation of graphs and hypergraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics. 131 (2003) 385--400. DOI link. EGRES Technical Report no. 2001-06
  3. T. Király, L.C. Lau, Approximate min-max theorems for Steiner rooted-orientations of graphs and hypergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B 98 (2008), 1233-1252. DOI link. EGRES Technical Report no. 2006-13
  4. C. St. J. A. Nash-Williams, On orientations, connectivity and odd vertex pairings in finite graphs, Canad. J. Math. 12 (1960) 555-567.