Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AbsMap< M >Absolute value of a map
BellmanFord< GR, LEN, TR >::ActiveItLEMON iterator for getting the active nodes
AddMap< M1, M2 >Sum of two maps
AllArcLookUp< GR >Fast look-up of all arcs between given endpoints
AlterableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for alterable directed graphs
AlterableGraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for alterable undirected graphs
AndMap< M1, M2 >Logical 'and' of two maps
Digraph::ArcThe arc type of the digraph
Graph::ArcThe arc type of the graph
Path< GR >::ArcItLEMON style iterator for path arcs
SimplePath< GR >::ArcItIterator class to iterate on the arcs of the paths
ListPath< GR >::ArcItIterator class to iterate on the arcs of the paths
StaticPath< GR >::ArcItIterator class to iterate on the arcs of the paths
Digraph::ArcItIterator class for the arcs
Graph::ArcItIterator class for the arcs
Path< GR >::ArcItLEMON style iterator for enumerating the arcs of a path
PathDumper< GR >::ArcItLEMON style iterator for enumerating the arcs of a path
ArcLookUp< GR >Fast arc look-up between given endpoints
Digraph::ArcMap< T >Standard graph map type for the arcs
Graph::ArcMap< T >Standard graph map type for the arcs
MappableDigraphComponent< BAS >::ArcMap< V >Standard graph map for the arcs
ArgParserCommand line arguments parser
BackwardMap< GR >Map of the "backward" directed arc view of edges in a graph
BaseDigraphComponentBase skeleton class for directed graphs
BaseGraphComponentBase skeleton class for undirected graphs
BellmanFord< GR, LEN, TR >BellmanFord algorithm class
BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits< V, has_inf >Default OperationTraits for the BellmanFord algorithm class
BellmanFordDefaultTraits< GR, LEN >Default traits class of BellmanFord class
BellmanFordWizard< TR >Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of the Bellman-Ford algorithm
BellmanFordWizardBase< GR, LEN >Default traits class used by BellmanFordWizard
BellmanFordWizardDefaultTraits< GR, LEN >Default traits class of bellmanFord() function
Bfs< GR, TR >BFS algorithm class
BfsDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of Bfs class
BfsVisit< GR, VS, TR >BFS algorithm class with visitor interface
BfsVisitDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of BfsVisit class
BfsVisitor< GR >Visitor class for BFS
BfsWizard< TR >Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of BFS algorithm
BfsWizardBase< GR >Default traits class used by BfsWizard
BfsWizardDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of bfs() function
BinHeap< PR, IM, CMP >Binary heap data structure
BinomialHeap< PR, IM, CMP >Binomial heap data structure
MaxWeightedMatching< GR, WM >::BlossomItIterator for obtaining the nodes of a blossom
MaxWeightedPerfectMatching< GR, WM >::BlossomItIterator for obtaining the nodes of a blossom
Box< T >Bounding box of plain vectors (points)
BucketHeap< IM, MIN >Bucket heap data structure
CapacityScaling< GR, V, C, TR >Implementation of the Capacity Scaling algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
CapacityScalingDefaultTraits< GR, V, C >Default traits class of CapacityScaling algorithm
CbcMipInterface for the CBC MIP solver
Circulation< GR, LM, UM, SM, TR >Push-relabel algorithm for the network circulation problem
CirculationDefaultTraits< GR, LM, UM, SM >Default traits class of Circulation class
UnionFindEnum< IM >::ClassItLEMON style iterator for the representant items
ExtendFindEnum< IM >::ClassItLEMON style iterator for the classes
HeapUnionFind< V, IM, Comp >::ClassItClass iterator
ClearableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for clearable directed graphs
ClearableGraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for clearable undirected graphs
ClpLpInterface for the CLP solver
LpBase::Expr::CoeffItIterator over the expression
LpBase::DualExpr::CoeffItIterator over the expression
LpBase::ColRefer to a column of the LP
LpBase::ColItIterator for iterate over the columns of an LP problem
Undirector< DGR >::CombinedArcMap< FW, BK >Arc map combined from two original arc maps
SplitNodes< DGR >::CombinedArcMap< AM, NM >Arc map combined from an arc map and a node map of the original digraph
SplitNodes< DGR >::CombinedNodeMap< IN, OUT >Node map combined from two original node maps
CombineMap< M1, M2, F, V >Combination of two maps using an STL (binary) functor
ComposeMap< M1, M2 >Composition of two maps
ConArcIt< GR >Iterator for iterating on parallel arcs connecting the same nodes
ConEdgeIt< GR >Iterator for iterating on parallel edges connecting the same nodes
LpBase::Expr::ConstCoeffItConst iterator over the expression
LpBase::DualExpr::ConstCoeffItIterator over the expression
ConstMap< K, V >Constant map
ConstMap< K, Const< V, v > >Constant map with inlined constant value
LpBase::ConstrLinear constraint
ConstXMap< M >
ConstYMap< M >
ConvertMap< M, V >Map adaptor to convert the Value type of a map to another type using the default conversion
CostScaling< GR, V, C, TR >Implementation of the Cost Scaling algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
CostScalingDefaultTraits< GR, V, C >Default traits class of CostScaling algorithm
CounterA counter class
CplexBaseBase interface for the CPLEX LP and MIP solver
CplexEnvReference counted wrapper around cpxenv pointer
CplexLpInterface for the CPLEX LP solver
CplexMipInterface for the CPLEX MIP solver
CrossRefMap< GR, K, V >General cross reference graph map type
CycleCanceling< GR, V, C >Implementation of cycle-canceling algorithms for finding a minimum cost flow
DefaultGraphToEpsTraits< GR >Default traits class of GraphToEps
Dfs< GR, TR >DFS algorithm class
DfsDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of Dfs class
DfsVisit< GR, VS, TR >DFS algorithm class with visitor interface
DfsVisitDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of DfsVisit class
DfsVisitor< GR >Visitor class for DFS
DfsWizard< TR >Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of DFS algorithm
DfsWizardBase< GR >Default traits class used by DfsWizard
DfsWizardDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of dfs() function
DHeap< PR, IM, D, CMP >D-ary heap data structure
DiEulerIt< GR >Euler tour iterator for digraphs
DigraphClass describing the concept of directed graphs
DigraphCopy< From, To >Class to copy a digraph
DigraphReader< DGR >LGF reader for directed graphs
DigraphWriter< DGR >LGF writer for directed graphs
Dijkstra< GR, LEN, TR >Dijkstra algorithm class
DijkstraDefaultOperationTraits< V >Default operation traits for the Dijkstra algorithm class
DijkstraDefaultTraits< GR, LEN >Default traits class of Dijkstra class
DijkstraWizard< TR >Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of Dijkstra algorithm
DijkstraWizardBase< GR, LEN >Default traits class used by DijkstraWizard
DijkstraWizardDefaultTraits< GR, LEN >Default traits class of dijkstra() function
DimacsDescriptorDIMACS file type descriptor
DivMap< M1, M2 >Quotient of two maps
LpBase::DualExprLinear expression of rows
MinCostArborescence< GR, CM, TR >::DualItLEMON iterator for getting a dual variable
DynArcLookUp< GR >Dynamic arc look-up between given endpoints
Graph::EdgeThe edge type of the graph
BaseGraphComponent::EdgeUndirected edge class of the graph
Graph::EdgeItIterator class for the edges
Graph::EdgeMap< T >Standard graph map type for the edges
MappableGraphComponent< BAS >::EdgeMap< V >Standard graph map for the edges
Elevator< GR, Item >Class for handling "labels" in push-relabel type algorithms
EqualMap< M1, M2 >Combination of two maps using the == operator
ErasableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for erasable directed graphs
ErasableGraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for erasable undirected graphs
EulerIt< GR >Euler tour iterator for graphs
ExceptionGeneric exception class
LpBase::ExprLinear expression of variables and a constant component
ExtendableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for extendable directed graphs
ExtendableGraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for extendable undirected graphs
ExtendFindEnum< IM >A Extend-Find data structure implementation which is able to enumerate the components
IterableBoolMap< GR, K >::FalseItIterator for the keys mapped to false
FalseMap< K >Constant false map
FibHeap< PR, IM, CMP >Fibonacci heap data structure
FilterArcs< DGR, AF >Adaptor class for hiding arcs in a digraph
FilterEdges< GR, EF >Adaptor class for hiding edges in a graph
FilterNodes< GR, NF >Adaptor class for hiding nodes in a digraph or a graph
ForkMap< M1, M2 >Applies all map setting operations to two maps
FormatErrorFormat error
ForwardMap< GR >Map of the "forward" directed arc view of edges in a graph
FullDigraphA directed full graph class
FullGraphAn undirected full graph class
FunctorToMap< F, K, V >Converts an STL style (unary) functor to a map
GlpkBaseBase interface for the GLPK LP and MIP solver
GlpkLpInterface for the GLPK LP solver
GlpkMipInterface for the GLPK MIP solver
GomoryHu< GR, CAP >Gomory-Hu cut tree algorithm
GraphClass describing the concept of undirected graphs
GraphCopy< From, To >Class to copy a graph
GraphIncIt< GR, Item, Base, sel >Concept class for InArcIt, OutArcIt and IncEdgeIt types
GraphItemConcept class for Node, Arc and Edge types
GraphItemIt< GR, Item >Concept class for NodeIt, ArcIt and EdgeIt types
GraphMap< GR, K, V >Concept class for standard graph maps
GraphReader< GR >LGF reader for undirected graphs
GraphToEps< T >Auxiliary class to implement the named parameters of graphToEps()
GraphWriter< GR >LGF writer for directed graphs
GridGraphGrid graph class
HaoOrlin< GR, CAP, TOL >Hao-Orlin algorithm for finding a minimum cut in a digraph
HartmannOrlinMmc< GR, CM, TR >Implementation of the Hartmann-Orlin algorithm for finding a minimum mean cycle
HartmannOrlinMmcDefaultTraits< GR, CM >Default traits class of HartmannOrlinMmc class
Heap< PR, IM, CMP >The heap concept
HeapUnionFind< V, IM, Comp >A Union-Find data structure implementation which is able to store a priority for each item and retrieve the minimum of each class
HowardMmc< GR, CM, TR >Implementation of Howard's algorithm for finding a minimum mean cycle
HowardMmcDefaultTraits< GR, CM >Default traits class of HowardMmc class
HypercubeGraphHypercube graph class
HypercubeGraph::HyperMap< T, BF >Linear combination map
IDableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for idable directed graphs
IDableGraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for idable undirected graphs
IdentityMap< T >Identity map
IdMap< GR, K >Provides an immutable and unique id for each item in a graph
Digraph::InArcItIterator class for the incoming arcs of a node
Graph::InArcItIterator class for the incoming arcs of a node
Graph::IncEdgeItIterator class for the incident edges of a node
InDegMap< GR >Map of the in-degrees of nodes in a digraph
InvalidDummy type to make it easier to create invalid iterators
IdMap< GR, K >::InverseMapThe inverse map type of IdMap
CrossRefMap< GR, K, V >::InverseMapThe inverse map type of CrossRefMap
RangeIdMap< GR, K >::InverseMapThe inverse map type of RangeIdMap
IoErrorInput-Output error
IterableValueMap< GR, K, V >::ItemItIterator for the keys with the same value
UnionFindEnum< IM >::ItemItLEMON style iterator for the items of a component
ExtendFindEnum< IM >::ItemItLEMON style iterator for the items of a component
HeapUnionFind< V, IM, Comp >::ItemItLEMON style iterator for the items of a class
IterableBoolMap< GR, K >::ItemItIterator for the keys mapped to a given value
IterableIntMap< GR, K >::ItemItIterator for the keys with the same value
IterableBoolMap< GR, K >Dynamic iterable bool map
IterableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for iterable directed graphs
IterableGraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for iterable undirected graphs
IterableIntMap< GR, K >Dynamic iterable integer map
IterableValueMap< GR, K, V >Dynamic iterable map for comparable values
KarpMmc< GR, CM, TR >Implementation of Karp's algorithm for finding a minimum mean cycle
KarpMmcDefaultTraits< GR, CM >Default traits class of KarpMmc class
LessMap< M1, M2 >Combination of two maps using the < operator
LgfContentsReader for the contents of the LGF file
CplexEnv::LicenseErrorThis exception is thrown when the license check is not sufficient
LinkedElevator< GR, Item >Class for handling "labels" in push-relabel type algorithms
ListArcSet< GR >Digraph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own arc set
ListDigraphA general directed graph structure
ListEdgeSet< GR >Graph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own edge set
ListGraphA general undirected graph structure
ListPath< GR >A structure for representing directed paths in a digraph
LoggerBoolMap< IT, KEY >Writable bool map for logging each true assigned element
LpBaseCommon base class for LP and MIP solvers
LpSkeletonSkeleton class for an LP solver interface
LpSolverCommon base class for LP solvers
MapBase< K, V >Base class of maps
MappableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for mappable directed graphs
MappableGraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for mappable undirected graphs
MapToFunctor< M >Converts a map to an STL style (unary) functor
MaxFractionalMatching< GR, TR >Max cardinality fractional matching
MaxFractionalMatchingDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of MaxFractionalMatching class
MaxMatching< GR >Maximum cardinality matching in general graphs
MaxWeightedFractionalMatching< GR, WM >Weighted fractional matching in general graphs
MaxWeightedMatching< GR, WM >Weighted matching in general graphs
MaxWeightedPerfectFractionalMatching< GR, WM >Weighted fractional perfect matching in general graphs
MaxWeightedPerfectMatching< GR, WM >Weighted perfect matching in general graphs
MinCostArborescence< GR, CM, TR >Minimum Cost Arborescence algorithm class
MinCostArborescenceDefaultTraits< GR, CM >Default traits class for MinCostArborescence class
GomoryHu< GR, CAP >::MinCutEdgeItIterate on the edges of a minimum cut
GomoryHu< GR, CAP >::MinCutNodeItIterate on the nodes of a minimum cut
MipSkeletonSkeleton class for a MIP solver interface
MipSolverCommon base class for MIP solvers
MulMap< M1, M2 >Product of two maps
NegMap< M >Negative of a map
NegWriteMap< M >Negative of a map (read-write version)
NetworkSimplex< GR, V, C >Implementation of the primal Network Simplex algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
NoCounter'Do nothing' version of Counter
Digraph::NodeThe node type of the digraph
Graph::NodeThe node type of the graph
Graph::NodeItIterator class for the nodes
Digraph::NodeItIterator class for the nodes
Digraph::NodeMap< T >Standard graph map type for the nodes
Graph::NodeMap< T >Standard graph map type for the nodes
MappableDigraphComponent< BAS >::NodeMap< V >Standard graph map for the nodes
NormSquareMap< M >Map of the normSquare() of a Point-map
NoTimeReport'Do nothing' version of TimeReport
NotMap< M >Logical 'not' of a map
NotWriteMap< M >Logical 'not' of a map (read-write version)
NullMap< K, V >Null map. (a.k.a. DoNothingMap)
Orienter< GR, DM >Adaptor class for orienting the edges of a graph to get a digraph
OrMap< M1, M2 >Logical 'or' of two maps
Graph::OutArcItIterator class for the outgoing arcs of a node
Digraph::OutArcItIterator class for the outgoing arcs of a node
OutDegMap< GR >Map of the out-degrees of nodes in a digraph
PairingHeap< PR, IM, CMP >Pairing Heap
PaletteMap ints to different Colors
Path< GR >A structure for representing directed paths in a digraph
Path< GR >A skeleton structure for representing directed paths in a digraph
PathDumper< GR >A skeleton structure for path dumpers
PathNodeIt< Path >Class which helps to iterate through the nodes of a path
PlanarColoring< Graph >Coloring planar graphs
PlanarDrawing< Graph >Schnyder's planar drawing algorithm
PlanarEmbedding< Graph >Planar embedding of an undirected simple graph
Point< T >Two dimensional vector (plain vector)
PotentialDifferenceMap< GR, POT >Potential difference map
Preflow< GR, CAP, TR >Preflow algorithm class
PreflowDefaultTraits< GR, CAP >Default traits class of Preflow class
RadixHeap< IM >::PriorityUnderflowErrorException thrown by RadixHeap
QuadHeap< PR, IM, CMP >Fourary (quaternary) heap data structure
RadixHeap< IM >Radix heap data structure
RandomMersenne Twister random number generator
RangeIdMap< GR, K >Provides continuous and unique id for the items of a graph
RangeMap< V >Map for storing values for integer keys from the range [0..size-1]
ReadMap< K, T >
ReadWriteMap< K, T >
IterableBoolMap< GR, K >::ReferenceReference to the value of the map
IterableIntMap< GR, K >::ReferenceReference to the value of the map
ReferenceMap< K, T, R, CR >
ArgParser::RefTypeMagic type for operator[]
ResidualDigraph< DGR, CM, FM, TL >::ResidualCapacityResidual capacity map
ResidualDigraph< DGR, CM, FM, TL >Adaptor class for composing the residual digraph for directed flow and circulation problems
PathDumper< GR >::RevArcItLEMON style iterator for enumerating the arcs of a path in reverse direction
ReverseDigraph< DGR >Adaptor class for reversing the orientation of the arcs in a digraph
LpBase::RowRefer to a row of the LP
LpBase::RowItIterator for iterate over the rows of an LP problem
ScaleMap< M, C >Scales a map with a constant
ScaleWriteMap< M, C >Scales a map with a constant (read-write version)
SectionReaderSection reader class
SectionWriterSection writer class
MinCostArborescence< GR, CM, TR >::SetArborescenceMap< T >Named parameter for setting ArborescenceMap type
Bfs< GR, TR >::SetDistMap< T >Named parameter for setting DistMap type
BellmanFord< GR, LEN, TR >::SetDistMap< T >Named parameter for setting DistMap type
Dfs< GR, TR >::SetDistMap< T >Named parameter for setting DistMap type
Dijkstra< GR, LEN, TR >::SetDistMap< T >Named parameter for setting DistMap type
Preflow< GR, CAP, TR >::SetElevator< T >Named parameter for setting Elevator type
MaxFractionalMatching< GR, TR >::SetElevator< T >Named parameter for setting Elevator type
Circulation< GR, LM, UM, SM, TR >::SetElevator< T >Named parameter for setting Elevator type
Circulation< GR, LM, UM, SM, TR >::SetFlowMap< T >Named parameter for setting FlowMap type
Suurballe< GR, LEN, TR >::SetFlowMap< T >
Preflow< GR, CAP, TR >::SetFlowMap< T >Named parameter for setting FlowMap type
Suurballe< GR, LEN, TR >::SetHeap< H, CR >Named parameter for setting Heap and HeapCrossRef types
CapacityScaling< GR, V, C, TR >::SetHeap< T >Named parameter for setting Heap type
Dijkstra< GR, LEN, TR >::SetHeap< H, CR >Named parameter for setting heap and cross reference types
HartmannOrlinMmc< GR, CM, TR >::SetLargeCost< T >Named parameter for setting LargeCost type
KarpMmc< GR, CM, TR >::SetLargeCost< T >Named parameter for setting LargeCost type
HowardMmc< GR, CM, TR >::SetLargeCost< T >Named parameter for setting LargeCost type
CostScaling< GR, V, C, TR >::SetLargeCost< T >Named parameter for setting LargeCost type
MaxFractionalMatching< GR, TR >::SetMatchingMap< T >Named parameter for setting MatchingMap type
BellmanFord< GR, LEN, TR >::SetOperationTraits< T >Named parameter for setting OperationTraits type
Dijkstra< GR, LEN, TR >::SetOperationTraits< T >Named parameter for setting OperationTraits type
HartmannOrlinMmc< GR, CM, TR >::SetPath< T >Named parameter for setting Path type
HowardMmc< GR, CM, TR >::SetPath< T >Named parameter for setting Path type
KarpMmc< GR, CM, TR >::SetPath< T >Named parameter for setting Path type
Suurballe< GR, LEN, TR >::SetPath< T >Named parameter for setting Path type
Suurballe< GR, LEN, TR >::SetPotentialMap< T >
MinCostArborescence< GR, CM, TR >::SetPredMap< T >Named parameter for setting PredMap type
Dfs< GR, TR >::SetPredMap< T >Named parameter for setting PredMap type
Bfs< GR, TR >::SetPredMap< T >Named parameter for setting PredMap type
BellmanFord< GR, LEN, TR >::SetPredMap< T >Named parameter for setting PredMap type
Dijkstra< GR, LEN, TR >::SetPredMap< T >Named parameter for setting PredMap type
Dfs< GR, TR >::SetProcessedMap< T >Named parameter for setting ProcessedMap type
Dijkstra< GR, LEN, TR >::SetProcessedMap< T >Named parameter for setting ProcessedMap type
Bfs< GR, TR >::SetProcessedMap< T >Named parameter for setting ProcessedMap type
Bfs< GR, TR >::SetReachedMap< T >Named parameter for setting ReachedMap type
BfsVisit< GR, VS, TR >::SetReachedMap< T >
DfsVisit< GR, VS, TR >::SetReachedMap< T >
Dfs< GR, TR >::SetReachedMap< T >Named parameter for setting ReachedMap type
Preflow< GR, CAP, TR >::SetStandardElevator< T >Named parameter for setting Elevator type with automatic allocation
MaxFractionalMatching< GR, TR >::SetStandardElevator< T >Named parameter for setting Elevator type with automatic allocation
Circulation< GR, LM, UM, SM, TR >::SetStandardElevator< T >Named parameter for setting Elevator type with automatic allocation
Dijkstra< GR, LEN, TR >::SetStandardHeap< H, CR >Named parameter for setting heap and cross reference types with automatic allocation
Dijkstra< GR, LEN, TR >::SetStandardProcessedMapNamed parameter for setting ProcessedMap type to be Digraph::NodeMap<bool>
Dfs< GR, TR >::SetStandardProcessedMapNamed parameter for setting ProcessedMap type to be Digraph::NodeMap<bool>
Bfs< GR, TR >::SetStandardProcessedMapNamed parameter for setting ProcessedMap type to be Digraph::NodeMap<bool>
ShiftMap< M, C >Shifts a map with a constant
ShiftWriteMap< M, C >Shifts a map with a constant (read-write version)
SimpleBucketHeap< IM, MIN >Simplified bucket heap data structure
SimplePath< GR >A structure for representing directed paths in a digraph
SkeletonSolverBaseA skeleton class to implement LP/MIP solver base interface
SmartArcSet< GR >Digraph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own arc set
SmartDigraphA smart directed graph class
SmartEdgeSet< GR >Graph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own edge set
SmartGraphA smart undirected graph class
SmartGraph::SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and to restore it later
SmartDigraph::SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the digraph and to restore it later
ListDigraph::SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the digraph and restore it later
ListGraph::SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and restore it later
SoplexLpInterface for the SOPLEX solver
SourceMap< GR >Map of the source nodes of arcs in a digraph
SparseMap< K, V, Comp >Map type based on std::map
SplitNodes< DGR >Adaptor class for splitting the nodes of a digraph
StaticDigraphA static directed graph class
StaticPath< GR >A structure for representing directed paths in a digraph
SubDigraph< DGR, NF, AF >Adaptor class for hiding nodes and arcs in a digraph
SubGraph< GR, NF, EF >Adaptor class for hiding nodes and edges in an undirected graph
SubMap< M1, M2 >Difference of two maps
Suurballe< GR, LEN, TR >Algorithm for finding arc-disjoint paths between two nodes having minimum total length
SuurballeDefaultTraits< GR, LEN >Default traits class of Suurballe algorithm
TargetMap< GR >Map of the target nodes of arcs in a digraph
TimerClass for measuring the cpu time and real time usage of the process
TimeReportSame as Timer but prints a report on destruction
TimeStampA class to store (cpu)time instances
Tolerance< T >A class to provide a basic way to handle the comparison of numbers that are obtained as a result of a probably inexact computation
Tolerance< double >Double specialization of Tolerance
Tolerance< float >Float specialization of Tolerance
Tolerance< long double >Long double specialization of Tolerance
IterableBoolMap< GR, K >::TrueItIterator for the keys mapped to true
TrueMap< K >Constant true map
Undirector< DGR >Adaptor class for viewing a digraph as an undirected graph
UnionFind< IM >A Union-Find data structure implementation
UnionFindEnum< IM >A Union-Find data structure implementation which is able to enumerate the components
IterableValueMap< GR, K, V >::ValueItForward iterator for values
CrossRefMap< GR, K, V >::ValueItForward iterator for values
WriteMap< K, T >
XMap< M >Map of x-coordinates of a Point-map
YMap< M >Map of y-coordinates of a Point-map
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