Matching algorithms

Detailed Description

This group contains algorithm objects and functions to calculate matchings in graphs and bipartite graphs. The general matching problem is finding a subset of the edges which does not shares common endpoints.

There are several different algorithms for calculate matchings in graphs. The matching problems in bipartite graphs are generally easier than in general graphs. The goal of the matching optimization can be the finding maximum cardinality, maximum weight or minimum cost matching. The search can be constrained to find perfect or maximum cardinality matching.

Lemon contains the next algorithms:



class  MaxBipartiteMatching< BpUGraph >
 Bipartite Max Cardinality Matching algorithm. More...
class  MaxWeightedBipartiteMatching< _BpUGraph, _WeightMap, _Traits >
 Bipartite Max Weighted Matching algorithm. More...
class  MinCostMaxBipartiteMatching< _BpUGraph, _CostMap, _Traits >
 Bipartite Min Cost Matching algorithm. More...
class  MaxMatching< Graph >
 Edmonds' alternating forest maximum matching algorithm. More...
class  MaxWeightedMatching< _UGraph, _WeightMap >
 Weighted matching in general undirected graphs. More...
class  MaxWeightedPerfectMatching< _UGraph, _WeightMap >
 Weighted perfect matching in general undirected graphs. More...
class  PrBipartiteMatching< Graph >
 Max cardinality matching algorithm based on push-relabel principle. More...


file  bipartite_matching.h
 Maximum matching algorithms in bipartite graphs.
file  max_matching.h
 Maximum matching algorithms in undirected graph.
file  pr_bipartite_matching.h
 Push-prelabel maximum matching algorithms in bipartite graphs.


template<typename BpUGraph >
int maxBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph)
 Maximum cardinality bipartite matching.
template<typename BpUGraph , typename MatchingMap >
int maxBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph, MatchingMap &matching)
 Maximum cardinality bipartite matching.
template<typename BpUGraph , typename MatchingMap , typename BarrierMap >
int maxBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph, MatchingMap &matching, BarrierMap &barrier)
 Maximum cardinality bipartite matching.
template<typename BpUGraph , typename WeightMap , typename MatchingMap >
WeightMap::Value maxWeightedBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph, const WeightMap &weight, MatchingMap &matching)
 Maximum weighted bipartite matching.
template<typename BpUGraph , typename WeightMap , typename MatchingMap >
WeightMap::Value maxWeightedMaxBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph, const WeightMap &weight, MatchingMap &matching)
 Maximum weighted maximum cardinality bipartite matching.
template<typename BpUGraph , typename CostMap , typename MatchingMap >
CostMap::Value minCostMaxBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph, const CostMap &cost, MatchingMap &matching)
 Minimum cost maximum cardinality bipartite matching.
template<class Graph >
int prBipartiteMatching (const Graph &g)
 Maximum cardinality of the matchings in a bipartite graph.
template<class Graph , class MT >
int prBipartiteMatching (const Graph &g, MT &matching)
 Maximum cardinality matching in a bipartite graph.
template<class Graph , class MT , class GT >
int prBipartiteMatching (const Graph &g, MT &matching, GT &barrier)
 Maximum cardinality matching in a bipartite graph.
template<class Graph >
bool prPerfectBipartiteMatching (const Graph &g)
 Perfect matching in a bipartite graph.
template<class Graph , class MT >
bool prPerfectBipartiteMatching (const Graph &g, MT &matching)
 Perfect matching in a bipartite graph.
template<class Graph , class MT , class GT >
bool prPerfectBipartiteMatching (const Graph &g, MT &matching, GT &barrier)
 Perfect matching in a bipartite graph.

Function Documentation

int lemon::maxBipartiteMatching ( const BpUGraph &  graph  )  [inline]

This function calculates the maximum cardinality matching in a bipartite graph. It gives back the matching in an undirected edge map.

graph The bipartite graph.
The size of the matching.

int lemon::maxBipartiteMatching ( const BpUGraph &  graph,
MatchingMap &  matching 
) [inline]

This function calculates the maximum cardinality matching in a bipartite graph. It gives back the matching in an undirected edge map.

graph The bipartite graph.
Return values:
matching The ANodeMap of UEdges which will be set to covered matching undirected edge.
The size of the matching.

int lemon::maxBipartiteMatching ( const BpUGraph &  graph,
MatchingMap &  matching,
BarrierMap &  barrier 
) [inline]

This function calculates the maximum cardinality matching in a bipartite graph. It gives back the matching in an undirected edge map.

graph The bipartite graph.
Return values:
matching The ANodeMap of UEdges which will be set to covered matching undirected edge.
barrier The BNodeMap of bools which will be set to a barrier of the BNode-set.
The size of the matching.

WeightMap::Value lemon::maxWeightedBipartiteMatching ( const BpUGraph &  graph,
const WeightMap &  weight,
MatchingMap &  matching 
) [inline]

This function calculates the maximum weighted matching in a bipartite graph. It gives back the matching in an undirected edge map.

graph The bipartite graph.
weight The undirected edge map which contains the weights.
Return values:
matching The undirected edge map which will be set to the matching.
The value of the matching.

WeightMap::Value lemon::maxWeightedMaxBipartiteMatching ( const BpUGraph &  graph,
const WeightMap &  weight,
MatchingMap &  matching 
) [inline]

This function calculates the maximum weighted of the maximum cardinality matchings of a bipartite graph. It gives back the matching in an undirected edge map.

graph The bipartite graph.
weight The undirected edge map which contains the weights.
Return values:
matching The undirected edge map which will be set to the matching.
The value of the matching.

CostMap::Value lemon::minCostMaxBipartiteMatching ( const BpUGraph &  graph,
const CostMap &  cost,
MatchingMap &  matching 
) [inline]

This function calculates the maximum cardinality matching with minimum cost of a bipartite graph. It gives back the matching in an undirected edge map.

graph The bipartite graph.
cost The undirected edge map which contains the costs.
Return values:
matching The undirected edge map which will be set to the matching.
The cost of the matching.

int lemon::prBipartiteMatching ( const Graph g  )  [inline]

This function finds the maximum cardinality of the matchings in a bipartite graph g.

g An undirected bipartite graph.
The cardinality of the maximum matching.
The the implementation is based on the push-relabel principle.

int lemon::prBipartiteMatching ( const Graph g,
MT &  matching 
) [inline]

This function finds a maximum cardinality matching in a bipartite graph g.

g An undirected bipartite graph.
Return values:
matching A write ANodeMap of value type UEdge. The found edges will be returned in this map, i.e. for an ANode n the edge matching[n] is the one that covers the node n.
The cardinality of the maximum matching.
The the implementation is based on the push-relabel principle.

int lemon::prBipartiteMatching ( const Graph g,
MT &  matching,
GT &  barrier 
) [inline]

This function finds a maximum cardinality matching in a bipartite graph g.

g An undirected bipartite graph.
Return values:
matching A write ANodeMap of value type UEdge. The found edges will be returned in this map, i.e. for an ANode n the edge matching[n] is the one that covers the node n.
barrier A bool WriteMap on the BNodes. The map will be set exactly once for each BNode. The nodes with true value represent a barrier B, i.e. the cardinality of B minus the number of its neighbor is equal to the number of the BNodes minus the cardinality of the maximum matching.
The cardinality of the maximum matching.
The the implementation is based on the push-relabel principle.

bool lemon::prPerfectBipartiteMatching ( const Graph g  )  [inline]

This function checks whether the bipartite graph g has a perfect matching.

g An undirected bipartite graph.
true iff g has a perfect matching.
The the implementation is based on the push-relabel principle.

bool lemon::prPerfectBipartiteMatching ( const Graph g,
MT &  matching 
) [inline]

This function finds a perfect matching in a bipartite graph g.

g An undirected bipartite graph.
Return values:
matching A write ANodeMap of value type UEdge. The found edges will be returned in this map, i.e. for an ANode n the edge matching[n] is the one that covers the node n. The values are unchanged if the graph has no perfect matching.
true iff g has a perfect matching.
The the implementation is based on the push-relabel principle.

bool lemon::prPerfectBipartiteMatching ( const Graph g,
MT &  matching,
GT &  barrier 
) [inline]

This function finds a perfect matching in a bipartite graph g.

g An undirected bipartite graph.
Return values:
matching A write ANodeMap of value type UEdge. The found edges will be returned in this map, i.e. for an ANode n the edge matching[n] is the one that covers the node n. The values are unchanged if the graph has no perfect matching.
barrier A bool WriteMap on the BNodes. The map will only be set if g has no perfect matching. In this case it is set exactly once for each BNode. The nodes with true value represent a barrier, i.e. a subset B a of BNodes with the property that the cardinality of B is greater than the number of its neighbors.
true iff g has a perfect matching.
The the implementation is based on the push-relabel principle.

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